Game 225: October 12, 2018the Initials Game

  1. 4 rounds for time of:

    400-m run
    3 legless rope climbs
    7 squat snatches

    ♀ 130 lb.
    ♂ 185 lb.

    Time cap: 20 minutes



    • Top 75 athletes receive points. 76+ earn 0 points but will be ranked.

    • Final heat will contain the fewest athletes.

    • Athletes will be assigned to a lane and may use any bar or rope within their lane.

    • Rounds 1-3 use the first set of barbells. Round 4 will use barbells set closer to the finish line.

  2. For time:

    800-m row
    66 kettlebell shoulder-to-overheads
    132-ft. handstand walk

    ♀ two 12-kg KBs
    ♂ two 16-kg KBs

    Time cap: 10 minutes



    • Judges will raise their hands when athletes have 100 meters remaining on the row.

    • Kettlebells must be brought below the chin each rep.

    • Athletes advance after every set of 22 reps.

    • Handstand walk must be completed in 44-ft. sections.

    • Athletes must restart from the last section completed if they come down at any time.

  3. For time:
    6,000-m ruck run

    ♀ 20-30-40-50 lb., increasing each lap
    ♂ 20-30-40-50 lb., increasing each lap

    Athletes will run 4 laps of 1,500-m course, adding weight each lap.

    Time cap: 40 minutes



    • Men and women use the same weights for this event.

  4. For time:

    172-ft. sled push
    15♀ / 18♂ bar muscle-ups
    172-ft. sled push

    Time cap: 6 minutes


  5. Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

    5 handstand push-ups
    10 single-leg squats, alternating
    15 pull-ups
    Time cap: 20 minutes



    • Athletes advance to the second set of equipment for round 16 on.

  6. For time:
    Sprint through the course

    Athletes will race in heats of 5 for a 3-round bracketed tournament.

    The first round will have 4 heats, the second round will have 2 heats, and five athletes will advance to the final round.

    Places 1-5 will be awarded to the athletes in the final round, based on their finishing order. Places 6-10 will be awarded to the athletes from the second round, based on their times. Places 11-20 will be awarded to the remaining athletes based on the time it takes them to complete the course in the first round.


  7. 5 rounds for time of:

    1 pegboard ascent
    100 double-unders
    10 single-arm dumbbell hang split snatches
    10 single-arm dumbbell hang clean and split jerks

    ♀ 55-lb. dumbbell
    ♂ 80-lb. dumbbell

    Athletes must alternate arms on each rep of the hang snatch.

    Time cap: 20 minutes


    • Both pegs must make it to the top row.
    • Both pegs must come below red line before dropping.
    • Must use opposite arm from lead leg on split movements.

  8. For load:

    1-rep clean

    *Tiebreak with 5 reps for time
    ♀ 215-220-225-230-235-240-245-250-255-260 lb. with 195 lb. tiebreak
    ♂ 315-325-335-345-355-365-370-375-380-385 with 295 lb. tiebreak

    Athletes will lift in order of their placing (10th-1st),with the weight increasing each round. Each round, those who fail the lift will race through 5 reps at the tiebreak bar.

  9. For time:

    1,000-m swim
    1,000-m paddle

    Beginning on the shore at Lake Monona, swim around the buoys and back to shore, then grab paddleboards, and paddle around the buoys and back to shore.

    Time cap: 50 minutes

  10. Ringer 1
    30-20-10 reps for time of:

    Air bike (calories)

    Time cap: 7♀ / 6♂ minutes

    Ringer 2
    15-10-5 reps for time of:

    Burpees with ring touch
    Overhead squats

    ♀ 95 lb.
    ♂ 135 lb.

    Time cap: 5 minutes

    Ringer 1 and Ringer 2 are separately scored events. Ringer 2 will begin 1 minute after the time cap for Ringer 1.

  11. For time:

    30 clean and jerks (Grace)
    30 muscle-ups
    30 snatches (Isabel)

    ♀ 95 lb.
    ♂ 135 lb.

    Time cap: 12 minutes

Game 225: October 12 2018 The Initials Game On

Game 225: October 12, 2018the Initials Game225:

Game 225: October 12 2018 The Initials Game On Saturday

Posted Fri, Oct 12 2018 The Danville varsity football team won Friday's home conference game against North Montgomery (Crawfordsville, IN) by a score of 43-36. Podcast central for all the Initials Games! IHeart Radio, Spreaker, and iTunes links! Links to all of the Initials Game summaries! GAME 225: OCTOBER 12, 2018: 225.

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