Under Construction

Jan 17, 2021 The lessons learned from the construction of the first B-21 Raider bomber are being used to improve the second one, which will be used for structural testing. A second B-21 Raider bomber is under c. Under construction. Currently undergoing construction or repair work. The famous cathedral has been under construction to varying degrees since 1882. Sorry, the road here is under construction, so you'll have to go a different way. Currently being designed or coded.

  1. Under Construction Clip Art
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  • Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Oct 17, 2012 (message contributor)

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Summary: Depending on who you talk to, construction zones are not the places of peace and contentment. They are chaotic and dangerous. Most people will say that they are messed up places, dangerous places, and oftentimes unsightly places to look at. Please be pat


Under Construction Clip Art


Pastor M.L. Maughmer, Jr.

TEXT:- Philippians 1:1-6 “Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now; Being confident of this, that he who begun a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”.


Depending on who you talk to, construction zones are not the places of peace and contentment. They are chaotic and dangerous. Most people will say that they are messed up places, dangerous places, and oftentimes unsightly places to look at. Construction zones have lots of bumps, lane changes, starts and stops, backed up delays, and falling hazards, they are dirty, noisy, disorganized confused untidy hectic and disgusting places. However, if you are talking to the Architect they will say that the construction zone is beautiful despite of all of the chaos that is going on because they envision what the end product is going to be they know that what they are looking at is the process of progress.

My wife and I watch a show called Property Brothers and they take a couple and show them a house and how they can transform that house into their dream home. Most of the people will say I can’t see how you are going to take this space and turn it into my dream home, but the Property Brothers envision what the end product will look like and then they work to bring that vision into reality. The process of bringing that vision into reality is construction the house is the construction zone. I am under construction.

OPENING:- Contrary to how it may look to you right now. In-spite of what it may appear like to you. Regardless of the smile I may have on my face and prayerfully the delightful, compassionate, and loving disposition I try to portray. Beyond the suit and tie - I don’t have it all together. You see me standing here and I pray that what you see is good. However, what you don’t see and don’t understand is that what you are looking at standing here behind this sacred desk is a work in progress you are looking at a construction zone. There is some hazardous material that is falling here there is some hammering and drilling going on. There is some stuff that is taking place in the construction zone that actually should cause me to wear a sign around my neck that says Danger Construction Zone Keep Away. I am under construction I don’t have it all together but please be patient with me God is not through with me yet. Paul said it like this “I count not myself to have apprehended…” in other words I’m not there yet, yes I am better than what I was but I am not yet what I shall be and in some people’s eyes I may even seem like a chaotic mess. But 1 John 3:2 says “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is” I am in the process of progress - I am under construction. As I said I am better than what I was but I am not yet what I shall be.

Truthfully we are all in the process of progress. We are at different levels in the process and our progress is different, however, we all are under construction!

Under Construction Meme

CONSTRUCTION:- the process of putting something together, building something for the purpose of something else. People build houses to live in, stores to shop at, stadiums to have sporting events etc.

PROGRESS:- a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage: growth or development; continuous improvement: the development of an individual or society in a direction considered more beneficial than and superior to the previous level, for example there is good, better, best.

WATCH THIS:- good is o.k. but it is not as great as better, and better although is greater than good fails in comparison to best. If you have been sick and then one day you feel good, the next day you feel better than yesterday, and the next day you are at your best that is the process of progress.

The problem with progress is that progress can be fatal until the process is completed or finished. Finished always seems to be so far away. In our house in the basement next to the washer and dryer we have a table, this table collects all the clothes as we pull them out of the dryer. Because we don’t often fold the clothes the moment they come out of the dryer this table builds up until the clothes are almost up to the ceiling. My wife and I hate when we finally decide it’s time to fold the clothes because before we are finished – finished seems to be so far off.

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Michelangelo was once asked what he was trying to create as he chipped away at a shapeless rock. He replied, “I am liberating an angel from this stone.”

That is what God is doing with us: He is making us into what we can be. We are wonderfully complex. We have been made in His image.

Under Construction

And in Ephesians 2, Paul tells us, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (verse 10 NKJV). God has a purpose for us to fulfill. He has a task for each of us to accomplish.

Although there has never been a person who, through human effort, has achieved salvation, if someone has really found salvation, there should be visible results of that fact.

There are a lot of people today who claim to be Christians, but there is absolutely no evidence in their lives to confirm it. Works don’t save a person, but they are good evidence that he or she is saved.

God has created you as His work of art for good works. He has a work for you to do. He has a plan for your life. Are you finding it? Are you moving in that direction? Or, are you wandering through life saying, “I have salvation, so that takes care of that. Now, back to doing what I want to do”?


The wording of Philippians 2:10 is very important. We were “created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

God is going ahead of us, preparing the way by which we will come, so that the work we do may fulfill His plan for us. Even when there are setbacks or crises in life, we can remember God is working through, in, and around us.

Years after Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery in Egypt, he came face-to-face with them once again. By then, he was second-in-command in the nation. But instead of using his power and position to exact revenge, Joseph told them, “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive” (Genesis 50:20 NKJV).

I wonder if this thought first came to Joseph when his brothers arrived, looking for food. Did it just dawn on him at that very moment? “Now I get it. Now I know why God let me go through this.” Or maybe he saw it earlier.

Whatever the case, it was an amazing statement. Think of his exile, his betrayal, the false accusations, and problem after problem that he faced. Yet he said to them, “I know that your motives weren’t pure in this, but God sent me here. God was in this.”

Jesus said something similar to Pontius Pilate. As He stood before Pilate — the man who was judging Him — Jesus said, “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above” (John 19:11 NKJV).

In other words, “I am moving toward the goal that I have set, and you are just doing what you are doing because this is what you are supposed to do. My Father has prepared the way for Me.”

Your Father has prepared the way for you too. Maybe you are facing a setback right now. Maybe there is a crisis in your life. Maybe it seems as though nothing is ever going to change.

Remember, you are a work in progress. You are under construction.

The question is, are you yielding to the plan and purpose that God has for you? Don’t resist what He is trying to do. Let Him have His way with you. Don’t be afraid, because His motive is always based on His love for you. He is looking for your best interests.

God sees what you can become. You may look at yourself and say, “I don’t get it. I don’t look like a perfect person. My life doesn’t look like a work of beauty.”

But God would say, “Just hang on. I can see what I can make you. You need to be patient, because you are a work in progress. It doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, it will take all of your life on this earth and won’t be completely finished until you get to heaven.”

Then you will see that you indeed are a perfect work of art — God’s masterpiece.

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