Integrating Ict Into Scienceeffective Curriculum Ideas

Lessons Integrating Information and Communication Technology within a Curriculum Area

  1. Integrating Ict Into Scienceeffective Curriculum Ideas 4th Grade
  2. Integrating Ict Into Scienceeffective Curriculum Ideas 5th
  3. Integrating Ict Into Scienceeffective Curriculum Ideas Examples
  4. Integrating Ict Into Scienceeffective Curriculum Ideas Preschool
  1. Principals and school boards everywhere are requiring teachers to integrate technology into the classroom. Sometimes, the change is as simple as adding a computer class to the curriculum, other times it requires teachers to literally flip their entire lesson plan into a hi-tech beast!
  2. Integrating ICT into Teacher Education Curriculum - Case Studies in Asia Each of the seven collated case studies involved a teacher-education course in Educational Technology, more specifically, an ICT-related course for pre-service teachers as well as for the retraining of teachers.
  3. Rather, ICT literacy skills were described as needing to be integrated appropriately into curricula in subject matter areas. At the same time, the instructors in these courses would need to be able to address IT and technical skills, or have support materials available, in order to ensure improved ICT literacy.

In our school I (the ICT Specialist) have made great strides in integrating ICT more into the curriculum. We still have a computer lab and assigned lab times, but little by little I am working my way into the classrooms and co-teaching lessons with our primary and middle schools.

For most updated lessons, developed by local school boards, please click here to access

Subject Area / TopicGradeTitle / Author
Fine Arts - Drama 10Script Writing Activity - Lorne Cooke (TCRSB)
Film & Video Production 121-Minute Film Festival - Emily Davies (TCRSB)
Mathematics - Accounting 11Lemonade Stand - Andrew Francis (CCRSB)
Mathematics - Data Management 7Bias in Statistics - Byron Butt (SSRSB)
Mathematics - Data Management 7Remembrance Day Stats Analysis - Byron Butt (SSRSB)
Mathematics - Data Management 8Remembrance Day Stats Analysis - Byron Butt (SSRSB)
Mathematics - Data Management 9Data Management Using E-STAT (DoE and StatCan staff)
Mathematics - Data Management 8Surveys - Cara MacLean (HRSB)
Mathematics - Data Management 10Data Management with Fathom - Jennifer Mills (SRSB)
Mathematics - Data Management 10Data Management Project - Heather MacLean, Kim Mader, Andrew Pedersen (CBVRSB)
Mathematics - Geometry 8Pythagorean Relationship - Cara MacLean (HRSB)
Mathematics - Geometry 7Geometric Line Concepts - Byron Butt (SSRSB)
Mathematics - Geometry 5 and 9Transformations - Mathematics Grades 5 to 9 (Nancy Chisholm, LRT)
Mathematics - Geometry 10Constructing and Evaluating Similar Triangles - Danielle Boyd (SRSB)
Mathematics - Geometry 10Designing a Logo Using The Geometer's Sketchpad - James Parsons (SRSB)

Mathematics - Number Operation

8Dividing Fractions with Pattern Blocks - David MacIsaac (SRSB)
Mathematics - Number Operation 8Math Jeopardy (Basic Skills) - Byron Butt (SSRSB) (powerpoint presentation)
Mathematics - Patterns and Relations 9Mathematical Relationships - Sarah Petrie (SSRSB)
Mathematics - Probability 8Probability - Paul Butler / Aaron Callaghan (CCRSB)
French Second Language 8Le Grand Voyage - Dina Muise and Sonya Sauvé (SRSB)
English Language Arts - Mythology 9Who Am I? (mythology) - Todd Symes (SSRSB)
English Language Arts - Mythology 9Mythology's Influence on Today's Society - Todd Symes (SSRSB)
English Language Arts - Novel Study 9Novel Study Unit of The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton - Jessica Muise (SSRSB)
English Language Arts - Novel Study 9I Am David by Anne Holm - Jason Kempt (CBVRSB)
English Language Arts - Radio Interviews 9My Favourite Place - Nancy MacDonald (LRT)
English Language Arts - Poetry 7/8Poetry in Depth - Eric Storr (CCRSB)
English Language Arts - Reader's Theatre 9Character Development Through Reader's Theatre - Karen O'Leary (HRSB)
English Language Arts - Short Stories 9Short Stories through Multimedia Presentations - Karen O'Leary (HRSB)
Elementary Language Arts P-3Red - Nancy Chisholm / Sarah Hainsworth (LRT)
Science - Atoms and Elements 9Family of Elements: Chemical Families - Cheryl Blackmore (HRSB)
Science - Biology 11Frog Dissection Digital Lab Report - Edward Stewart (CCRSB)
Science - Biology/Oceans mainly 11Field Trip to an Eastern Canadian Shore - Darnell Young (CBVRSB), Bernie LeBlanc (SRSB), Mona MacNeil (CBVRSB)
Science - Classifying 7Classification of Substances - Jeff Carruthers (HRSB)
Science - Cells, Tissues, Systems 8Body Systems Workstations - Jan MacDonald (CBVRSB)
Science - Density 8Pressurized Liquids and Hydraulics - Tara Peach (HRSB)
Science - Electrostatics 9Electroscope - Barb Avery (SRSB)
Science - Exploring Careers 9Exploring Careers in Science - Jennifer Langford and Trisha DeMone (SSRSB)
Science - Light and Optics 4 and 8Light and Optics - Nancy Chisholm
Science - Reproduction 9Cell Cycle - Barb Avery (SRSB)
Science - Reproduction 9Karyotyping - Jennifer Langford and Trisha DeMone (SSRSB)
Science - Space 6 and 9Space - Nancy Chisholm (LRT)
Science - Weather 10Using Weather Maps and Meteorological Data to Predict Weather in NS - Jason McCarron (CCRSB)
Science - Weather 10Weather Stations - Aaron Neaves (SRSB)
Science - Physics 12Photoelectric Effect - Bruce Dalzell (CBVRSB)
Special Education - Social Stories allSocial Stories - Lauchie MacKinnon (SRSB)
Special Education / Language Arts - Picture Writing allPicture Writing - Lauchie MacKinnon (SRSB)
Social Studies 7Empowerment and Disempowerment Judy MacDonald (CBVRSB)
Social Studies 9Atlantic Canada Report Andy Gallant (HRSB)
Social Studies (Learning Centre) 2,3, 6Building a Community - Gina Stelmach (CBVRSB)
Social Studies 8Canada and the Second World War - Tara Peach (HRSB)
Social Studies various - examples are grade 8The Gigantic Book of Famous Canadians - Patrick Mather (HRSB)
Social Studies 9Culture Unit Atlantic Canada - Tracy Acker-Canning (HRSB), Jeff MacLeod (AVRSB), Shawna Penny (HRSB) and Karuna Singh (AVRSB)
Social Studies/Geography 9-12Using GPS Units to Find the Location of Restaurants - Teresa Kewachuk (CCRSB)
Geography 10Predicting Earthquakes - Teresa Kewachuk (CCRSB)
Geography 10-12Images of Hurricane Juan - Teresa Kewachuk (CCRSB)
Global History 12The Cold War Culture - David Seegmiller (TCRSB)
Political Science 12Media Bias and Politics - David Seegmiller (TCRSB)
Tourism 11Tourism - Introduction and Awareness - Andrew Francis (CCRSB)
Physical Education – Fitness 7 and 8'Google' Around the Earth - Leanne Swansburg (AVRSB)
Physical Education 10 to 12Video Skills, Drills and Thrills - Steve Schell, Karla Britney (AVRSB)
Image Composition various grades/courses Ryan Hainstock (AVRSB)
I Choose my Own Mark - Creating a rubric with students various grades/courses (see Who am I) - Todd Symes (SSRSB)
It's Just That Easy - Infomercials various grades/courses Darlene Barr / Ryan Hainstock / Mike Bullerwell (AVRSB)
Graphing using 'Create a Graph' - National Centre for Educational Statistics various grades/courses Darnell Young (CBVRSB)
Keeping Courses Current with Online Research Projects various grades/courses Darnell Young (CBVRSB)
Searching EBSCO /
Creating an account in My SRC
various grades/courses Sarah Hainsworth (LRT)
Technology Scavenger Hunt various courses Nancy Chisholm / Sarah Hainsworth (LRT)
Picture Writing various grades/courses Lauchie MacKinnon (SRSB)
Cover the Curriculum with a WebQuest various grades/courses Mona MacNeil (CBVRSB)
Please note: samples are based on Oceans 11 material
Video Vignette various grades/courses Mario Eleftheros and Jeff Carruthers (HRSB)


An Index of Biology Lessons (K-8)A Variety of Mapping Examples listed at SCORE web site
An Index of Example Maps from Inspiration Software Inc.Workshop Planning Example
Integrating Ict Into Scienceeffective Curriculum Ideas
The Integration of Information and Communication Technology within the Curriculum (English)L'intégration des technologies de l'information et des communications dans le programme d'études (français)

ICT Outcomes (Excel Spreadsheet)

IT Lesson Plan Template (English)IT Lesson Plan Template (French)
Links to more information about the integration of technology in classroomsSummer Institute materials Samples and tutorials from 2005 - 'Putting IT into Practice'
'What research says about integrating Information Technology' - set of signs to print and post

School Boards - more lessons integrating ICT and curriculum

School Board Description
Halifax Regional School Board:
ICT Integrated Lesson Plans from HRSB Teachers
These lessons are organized by subject area and grade level.
Read Time: 5minutes

The pressure is on, and educators are feeling it more and more.

Principals and school boards everywhere are requiring teachers to integrate technology into the classroom. Sometimes, the change is as simple as adding a computer class to the curriculum, other times it requires teachers to literally flip their entire lesson plan into a hi-tech beast!

Integrating Ict Into Scienceeffective Curriculum Ideas

Although these flipped classrooms give students an edge, they may also give their teachers a headache! Don’t worry, I’m here to show you that whether you teach 2nd-grade math or high school biology there is a simple way to ‘techify’ your existing lesson plans.

Sit back and check out these 13 ways to integrate technology into any lesson!

1. Mission Impossible Challenge – Present a challenge to your students with this super engaging “Mission impossible” Template, complete with spy music! All you do is add your own images and Text!

2. Skype an Expert – The ‘Live’ version of anything online is awesome. Simply get in touch with an expert in any field, (this can be a college professor, the local museum curator, or even a fellow teacher). Schedule a Live Skype or Zoom session where the students can ask the expert questions — in real-time. If you teach Literature you’re in luck, there is a website dedicated to connecting with authors — Skype an Author!

3. Five Facts about “Subject” – This is the most useful template for an in-class assignment or as homework (if students have the tech capabilities). Simply choose a topic, and write 5 facts about a said topic. “Hi, I’m H20 and I do 5 things really well…”

4.Fuzzy Image – You will need a camera or camera phone. Zoom in on an object until it becomes fuzzy or you can only see a small part of the total image. Print it out or project it onto a screen. Have students guess the mystery image as a lesson introduction.

5. Google Earth – This app is not limited to history or geography or environmental science; You can use it to show students where the pythagorean theorem was developed, or the actual location in China where ‘Kung Fu Panda’ learned his skills. Google Earth is a fun and really quick way to infuse some real-time, hi-tech into any lesson.

6. Interview A Scientist or Historical figure – Create a dialogue with a great leader in their field, such as Einstein, Gandhi, or Neil DeGrasse Tyson. This animated interview is very easy to set up using Powtoon. Simply upload an image and add a few speech bubbles. It’s pretty fun watching your teacher hang out with an ‘educational celebrity’. You ask questions and the answer is pre-made on each slide. Animated Interviews are also great for students with presentation anxiety because the slideshow guides them through each point.

7. Mini Me Introductions!– Turn yourself or your students into cartoon versions of yourselves! Students will get a kick out of seeing themselves on screen with a giant head and a cartoon body. “Mini-Me” is especially useful for the beginning of the school year. Your class can make animated videos or slideshows introducing themselves with key pointers, such as name, hobby and a cool fact they just learned!

7. Collaborative Class Blog – Set up a blog (WordPress, Blogger, Kidblog) for your class! Come up with a fun title with your students and create different categories based on your syllabus. For example, if you’re an English Teacher you can vote on a fun title like, “Class 7B’s Book Reading Blogorama!” Create a tab for each book you read like ‘Brother’s Grimm, The Giver, Macbeth, etc…’ Ask your students a question in class and have them write a short post either during the lesson or as a homework assignment. Have them publish it the blog and tag it into the appropriate category.

Integrating Ict Into Scienceeffective Curriculum Ideas 4th Grade

8. Make a Meme –Meme Generator! There are memes about everything from cats to chemistry, to cats teaching chemistry. Have your students pick an image or provide your own image and let them fill in the rest. Print them out and hang ‘em up!

9. Build My Website Project – Have your students build their own website based on course topics. For instance, if you teach History and you are learning about the Revolution – You can ask each student in the class to create a website covering 18th Century themes. i.e ‘18th Century Soldier’ (resource guides, food reviews, military fashion, Horses in Battle, etc…) or ‘Constitution Corner’ (covering political candidates, issues and formation of the US government) Or ‘18th Century Science’.

10. Slide for Each Day Project – This is on one of my favorites. Every day after your lesson have one student summarize the main takeaway from the class in one sentence. Take a picture (either of another student, a drawing in a textbook, or upload a relevant image) and add it to a Powtoon slide. Voila! At the end of the month, you have a student-made, collaborative slideshow of class accomplishments!

Integrating Ict Into Scienceeffective Curriculum Ideas 5th


11. Tell an inside Joke – Create a 20-second animated video with a personalized joke: “What is Mrs. Johnson’s favorite drink?” Hot Chalk – olate! Yes, it’s cheesy, but jokes are a quick and fun way to get kids situated with the idea of animations and short videos. Have them each write a funny joke, funny phrase or inspiring quotation. Check out this list of nerdy educational jokes and apply one to your class!

Integrating Ict Into Scienceeffective Curriculum Ideas

12.Lyric Video/Music Video – All students can relate to music. Have each student choose a short verse or chorus of a song they like, then have them change the lyrics to the topic of their choice. Here’s an example of “All about that Space” by science entertainer Coma Niddy. Students can use animated characters and on-screen lyrics if they don’t want to make live video. Here’s an example of Uptown Funk animated Lyric video.

Integrating Ict Into Scienceeffective Curriculum Ideas Examples

13. Video Clips – This is a no brainer — Use BrainPOP, YouTube or TED to break up the monotony of class by showing a video that enriches your lesson or even a short video clip that will let out a giggle. If you are giving a presentation via slideshow, you can even insert a video into your presentation without any tech skills.

There you have it! With minimal effort and a bit of creativity, you can easily integrate technology into any lesson plan.


Have you used any of these techniques for flipping the classroom? Would love to hear about your awesome ideas in the comments below!

Integrating Ict Into Scienceeffective Curriculum Ideas Preschool

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Howdy! I'm not actually a cowboy but I'm Super excited to be here, honing in my science background plus marketing experience to help show the world how anything you wish, dream or say, can be made more awesome with Powtoon!
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